fredag 23. september 2011
norsk; argumentasjon
"Argumentasjon; på bloggen, skriv en kort tekst om hva som er viktig når en skal argumentere for en god sak."
Det som er viktig når en skal argumentere for en god sak er å holde seg saklig og til tema. Det er også viktig at du grunngir påstander for å overbevise andre om at det du sier er rett eller rimelig. Vi må også prøve å få dem til å forstå hvorfor vi mener det vi mener og det er viktig at vi begrunner en holdning eller et synspunkt.
Kort og godt kan vi si at det som er viktig er: presise og forståelige argumenter, relevans i argumentasjonen, holdbarhet i det vi sier, en logisk tankerekke, appell og til slutt argumentasjonsteknikker.
norsk; fåmegpå,for faen
"Skriv en kort tekst på bloggen om vellykket eller mislykket kommunikasjon i Få meg på, for faen."
Synes hele opplegget i denne filmen var rett og slett flaut. Alt av såkalt "kommunikasjon" i denne filmen var forferdelig. Kroppsspråket til skuespillerne var ikke samstemt med de få ordene som kom ut. Dessuten var det ikke særlig mye til samtaler da alt ble avbrutt av unormale hendelser og "drømmer."
Det er ikke noe god kommunikasjon i filmen, fordi de har ikke noe kroppsspråk og ordene de sier stemmer ikke overens med handlingene de gjør. Dessuten synes jeg alt som blir sagt virker så påtatt. Hvem i all verden er det som sier slike ting egentlig?
Synes hele opplegget i denne filmen var rett og slett flaut. Alt av såkalt "kommunikasjon" i denne filmen var forferdelig. Kroppsspråket til skuespillerne var ikke samstemt med de få ordene som kom ut. Dessuten var det ikke særlig mye til samtaler da alt ble avbrutt av unormale hendelser og "drømmer."
Det er ikke noe god kommunikasjon i filmen, fordi de har ikke noe kroppsspråk og ordene de sier stemmer ikke overens med handlingene de gjør. Dessuten synes jeg alt som blir sagt virker så påtatt. Hvem i all verden er det som sier slike ting egentlig?
torsdag 22. september 2011
english: about the butterflies.
I had to read an analysis written by Patricia Grace. The analysis was good, well written and had many good points.
This is a good analysis because the author knows what she is talking about. She explains why, she doesn't just say "this is the way it is." The author supports her opinions with examples from the text and she shows the readers that she really has read and analyzed the text.
I can learn many things from this analysis, such as how to write a good analysis. I can learn how to support my opinions, how to prove a point, how to interpret the text and so on.
english: thoughts about "Blood Diamond"
I like these types of movies, when you feel like you know the characters and you don't know what's going to happen next. When you're sitting on the edge of your seat or wiping away a tear when you see innocent children being shot, that's the type of movie I like.
The main story of the movie is good, and important. The export and import of illegal diamonds is something that has been going on for years, and still is. The acting is also more than okay, it is fantastic. The way Leonardo DiCaprio talks like he is from South Africa, the rage in Djimon Hounsou's eyes when he met the man who took his son and the frustration Jennifer Connelly feels when nobody will go on record makes the hole movie a good one.
The movie was touching, moving, exiting, thrilling and a little bit romantic and it leaves me with a good impression. Still at times the movie can be a bit too american, with unnecessary fighting scenes, excessive use of violence (although this movie might need it to prove its point) and with a sort of happy ending.
Still, as said, the movie was touching. I never cry of movies, but during this one i caught myself wining a bit. So all in all, i would recommend this movie, and I might watch it again.
The movie was touching, moving, exiting, thrilling and a little bit romantic and it leaves me with a good impression. Still at times the movie can be a bit too american, with unnecessary fighting scenes, excessive use of violence (although this movie might need it to prove its point) and with a sort of happy ending.
Still, as said, the movie was touching. I never cry of movies, but during this one i caught myself wining a bit. So all in all, i would recommend this movie, and I might watch it again.
english: first task, me
So we were supposed to make our own blog today, so I did.
I have gotten my first task. "Write a little something about yourself on your blog." My name is Vilde, I'm sixteen and I am a student at Thora Storm - Adolf Øien. I have two dogs, Misty and Dakota, and I use my spare time to play handball, cycling and hang out with my friends and family. My favorite subject at school is "Geo" and the subject I like the least (sorry teacher) is "nynorsk."
My favorite colour is seagreen and red, favorite book is "the piano teacher" and my favorite song is "Sleeping Sickness" by City and Colour with Dallas Green.
Think that's it.
I have gotten my first task. "Write a little something about yourself on your blog." My name is Vilde, I'm sixteen and I am a student at Thora Storm - Adolf Øien. I have two dogs, Misty and Dakota, and I use my spare time to play handball, cycling and hang out with my friends and family. My favorite subject at school is "Geo" and the subject I like the least (sorry teacher) is "nynorsk."
My favorite colour is seagreen and red, favorite book is "the piano teacher" and my favorite song is "Sleeping Sickness" by City and Colour with Dallas Green.
Think that's it.
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