My favorite sports moment
My favorite sports moment is sort of weird and unusual. It’s not when my favorite athlete or team won an important game, nor was it when I scored a game. It was when I was still riding horse dressage.
It happened a few years back, when I was about twelve years old. On the schedule horse dressage was next and we were just finished with grooming the horses. I loved (still do) horse dressage, so I was very excited about it. We started warming up, everything went great and I was laughing with the others, just goofing around. So we started doing our exercises or “tricks” as I like to call them and I was done with four of five. I started doing the last one, something I liked to call the bow. It’s when the horse is bowing with his front legs, almost as if he is praying. So my horse, Manchester, was doing great and my teacher was thrilled, because he usually wouldn’t do that with anyone (It was my first time riding Manchester). And just when she said “nice work, Vilde” Manchester sat down as a dog. I was totally taken by surprise and I didn’t know exactly what to do. The look on my teacher’s eyes as the horse laid down on his back, with me on, was hilarious!
So he laid down on his back and started rolling around, over me. I was in shock, just lying there being rolled over. Then he got up and started running around. My teacher ran towards me and helped me up, she was very upset. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to cry or laugh. I was in no pain at all, so I started laughing. And laughing and laughing. In the sand where he had rolled, was a print in the sand, looking just like Donald Duck. I got my a hold of my horse and went back to riding.
I don’t know exactly why this is one of my favorite sports moment, but I think it’s because it was just so funny and I was taken by surprise. What made it even better was the Donald Duck mark in the sand and the look on my teacher’s face. I’ll never forget it.