· I think you wanted us to watch this episode because the main theme throughout the episode is racism, which we’re discussing in English right now. In the episode we can see how easy it is to misjudge a person just because of their origination and how different personalities deal with this. Even though the world and it’s perception of certain religious backgrounds has developed and changed over time, we can still clearly see how easy it is to overreact and be mistaken about certain things. If the neighbor of one of the main characters had been European or white instead of Middle Eastern, she might now even have reacted at the things she reacted so strongly on.
· I think that humor is a good way to approach some sensitive topics, not all though. I think it is easier for those the topics isn’t so sensitive for to use humor as a way to talk and deal with the different topics. When that being said, I don’t really think that many Middle Eastern people would find this episode amusing. Even though the episode mainly makes fun of oversensitive Americans, it can still be hurtful to watch for those it concerns. But all in all I think most people, no matter what sex, skin-color or religious origin, would find it easier to talk and discuss those topics when humor is used – in a good way.